Corporate Finance Services
Feasibility Study
Business feasibility study helps to assess the potential for success of the business and to identify risks or challenges that might be faced. Several factors are considered when conducting a feasibility study like business concept, target market, competition and financial analysis. We assist clients to “get it right” before committing any resources
Business Plan
Business plans are important to create an effective strategy for growth, determine the future financial needs and draw the roadmap to achieving the objectives. We assist clients document their plans, modus operandi to achieve the plan, and maximize their returns.
Business Valuation
Business valuation is essential to determine the economic value of owner’s interest in the business. The value conclusions are based on a going concern premise and the valuations differ depending upon the valuation approach used. We assist clients determine the economic value in the business.
Transaction Support
Companies around the world are actively considering their growth and expansion strategy through transaction. Values expected from these transactions can be realized only when there is proper due-diligence, preparation, and execution of the transaction. We support clients throughout the life-cycle of these transactions.
o Advisory for Buying & Selling businesses
o Assisting in Fund raising
o Preparing Pitch Decks, IM’s and marketing the same
o Strategic Consulting in M&A
o Post-merger consultancy
o Risk analysis and elimination
Mergers and Acquisition Advisory
Mergers and acquisition (M&A) are common strategies adopted by businesses for their growth or alternatively to improvise their competitive positioning. Hence, making the right decision can have a significant impact on shareholders’ value. Due diligence is an important process by which legal, financial, commercial, and other important information is reviewed, analyzed, and appraised.
We provide strategic consulting in M&A covering the entire spectrum of due diligence, risk analysis and elimination, and post-merger consultancy.
Initial Public Offering Advisory
Initial Public Offering (IPO) is a preferred “exit route” for founders and private investors. IPO journey involves careful readiness, planning and execution. We help clients on this journey.
o IPO Preparation for the company
o Acting as a reporting accountant for listing
o Long Form Report
o Working Capital report
Make arrangements with a view to another The explicit goal of investor is to extract value from the target companies that others haven’t seen. We assist clients on both buy and sell opportunities, matching investor and investee’s expectations. While the initial evaluation of investment opportunities may seem to happen quickly, the materialization of deals could take a few months or even a year.
We assist sell side clients with broad spectrum of services throughout the journey:
o Pitch Preparation
o Non-Disclosure Agreement
o Marketing
o Closing
We assist buy side clients by identifying suitable opportunities, conducting due diligence and helping in negotiations and closing.
The debt market is dynamic and complex for the borrowers. Getting favorable terms for new facilities and renewing existing facilities are always challenging. We assist clients with debt solutions and negotiate for favorable terms.
o Arranging debt
o Structuring
o Restructuring
Management consulting is one of the most sought-after fields by the businesses for solutions and strategies to improve their financial and operational health. We assist our clients to address their needs for the following consulting services:
o Business Process Improvements
o Delegation of Authority Matrix
o Budgeting & Variance Analysis
o Key Performance Indicators
o Outsourced CFO Services
o Human Resources Advisory
Technology Services
oTechnology Due Diligence
o Information Technology Audit
o Project Management
o Quality Assurance
o Cyber Security & Resilience
o Business Transformation